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Friday, July 6, 2007

The countdown has begun... Almost

These days I spend lots of time fretting about my plans, worrying about how I'm going to get everything done. The last two days have been spent ticking the boxes next to the items I need to accomplish, and brainstorming on all the new items that have come up.

I AM getting things done, I'm happy to report. There's gobs of stuff to consider with regard to travel: where to go, what festivals are happening when, how to get good prices on tickets, HOW I'm getting from place to place, how to finance my adventure, how to ensure I'm not the unwitting victim of identity theft while I'm gone...

Also, how am I going to get online? The obvious answer is internet cafes which are prevalent. I have a fear of having my passwords stolen while I'm logging into my bank account, so in part to prevent that, and also just because I like the idea of having a "lifeline" attached at all times, I'll be bringing a phone with me. I will keep my old phone number, but I probably won't ever answer it (it's like $1 to $3 to speak voice!)... BUT I can get data access worldwide from a provider and be able to access my mail & etc through it.

On the home front, it's issues of: can i get good renters? What is my insurance scenario like? Do I have access to money when I'll need it? Can I set up HELOCs to tap some home equity if it's absolutely necessary (I would consider this a last resort, but it's better than credit card debt!). Are the rentals set up to take care of themselves so that my management team (hi Monika & Kevin!!!) won't have their hands full dealing with things I should have taken care of myself before I left...

SO: as with all big changes in life, there's stress, there's planning, and there's lots of time spent getting things done. I liken it to kids: you try to prepare, but you're never really "ready" for the actual event when it happens. You basically just deal with it as it comes, and most people rise to the occasion.

I will buy my tickets today for my first stop: Belize. From there I will head to Guatemala... So those two places will be my initial focus.

I know I need to simply focus on my goals, center on the most important things I must accomplish, and the rest will fall into place. After I buy my tickets.... The countdown really DOES begin...